diff --git a/controllers/ResetPassword.php b/controllers/ResetPassword.php
index 2a6f500..dc4c806 100644
--- a/controllers/ResetPassword.php
+++ b/controllers/ResetPassword.php
@@ -16,66 +16,72 @@ class ResetPassword extends HTMLController
// Verifying an existing reset key?
if (isset($_GET['step'], $_GET['email'], $_GET['key']) && $_GET['step'] == 2)
- {
- $email = rawurldecode($_GET['email']);
- $user = Member::fromEmailAddress($email);
- if (!$user)
- throw new UserFacingException('Invalid email address. Please make sure you copied the full link in the email you received.');
- $key = $_GET['key'];
- if (!Authentication::checkResetKey($user->getUserId(), $key))
- throw new UserFacingException('Invalid reset token. Please make sure you copied the full link in the email you received. Note: you cannot use the same token twice.');
- parent::__construct('Reset password - ' . SITE_TITLE);
- $form = new PasswordResetForm($email, $key);
- $this->page->adopt($form);
- // Are they trying to set something already?
- if (isset($_POST['password1'], $_POST['password2']))
- {
- $missing = [];
- if (strlen($_POST['password1']) < 6 || !preg_match('~[^A-z]~', $_POST['password1']))
- $missing[] = 'Please fill in a password that is at least six characters long and contains at least one non-alphabetic character (e.g. a number or symbol).';
- if ($_POST['password1'] != $_POST['password2'])
- $missing[] = 'The passwords you entered do not match.';
- // So, are we good to go?
- if (empty($missing))
- {
- Authentication::updatePassword($user->getUserId(), Authentication::computeHash($_POST['password1']));
- $_SESSION['login_msg'] = ['Your password has been reset', 'You can now use the form below to log in to your account.', 'success'];
- header('Location: ' . BASEURL . '/login/');
- exit;
- }
- else
- $form->adopt(new Alert('Some fields require your attention', '
- ' . implode('
- ', $missing) . '
', 'danger'));
- }
- }
+ $this->verifyResetKey();
+ $this->requestResetKey();
+ }
+ private function requestResetKey()
+ {
+ parent::__construct('Reset password - ' . SITE_TITLE);
+ $form = new ForgotPasswordForm();
+ $this->page->adopt($form);
+ // Have they submitted an email address yet?
+ if (isset($_POST['emailaddress']) && preg_match('~^.+@.+\.[a-z]+$~', trim($_POST['emailaddress'])))
- parent::__construct('Reset password - ' . SITE_TITLE);
- $form = new ForgotPasswordForm();
- $this->page->adopt($form);
- // Have they submitted an email address yet?
- if (isset($_POST['emailaddress']) && preg_match('~^.+@.+\.[a-z]+$~', trim($_POST['emailaddress'])))
+ $user = Member::fromEmailAddress($_POST['emailaddress']);
+ if (!$user)
- $user = Member::fromEmailAddress($_POST['emailaddress']);
- if (!$user)
- {
- $form->adopt(new Alert('Invalid email address', 'The email address you provided could not be found in our system. Please try again.', 'danger'));
- return;
- }
- Authentication::setResetKey($user->getUserId());
- Email::resetMail($user->getUserId());
- // Show the success message
- $this->page->clear();
- $box = new DummyBox('An email has been sent');
- $box->adopt(new Alert('', 'We have sent an email to ' . $_POST['emailaddress'] . ' containing details on how to reset your password.', 'success'));
- $this->page->adopt($box);
+ $form->adopt(new Alert('Invalid email address', 'The email address you provided could not be found in our system. Please try again.', 'danger'));
+ return;
+ Authentication::setResetKey($user->getUserId());
+ Email::resetMail($user->getUserId());
+ // Show the success message
+ $this->page->clear();
+ $box = new DummyBox('An email has been sent');
+ $box->adopt(new Alert('', 'We have sent an email to ' . $_POST['emailaddress'] . ' containing details on how to reset your password.', 'success'));
+ $this->page->adopt($box);
+ }
+ }
+ private function verifyResetKey()
+ {
+ $email = rawurldecode($_GET['email']);
+ $user = Member::fromEmailAddress($email);
+ if (!$user)
+ throw new UserFacingException('Invalid email address. Please make sure you copied the full link in the email you received.');
+ $key = $_GET['key'];
+ if (!Authentication::checkResetKey($user->getUserId(), $key))
+ throw new UserFacingException('Invalid reset token. Please make sure you copied the full link in the email you received. Note: you cannot use the same token twice.');
+ parent::__construct('Reset password - ' . SITE_TITLE);
+ $form = new PasswordResetForm($email, $key);
+ $this->page->adopt($form);
+ // Are they trying to set something already?
+ if (isset($_POST['password1'], $_POST['password2']))
+ {
+ $missing = [];
+ if (strlen($_POST['password1']) < 6 || !preg_match('~[^A-z]~', $_POST['password1']))
+ $missing[] = 'Please fill in a password that is at least six characters long and contains at least one non-alphabetic character (e.g. a number or symbol).';
+ if ($_POST['password1'] != $_POST['password2'])
+ $missing[] = 'The passwords you entered do not match.';
+ // So, are we good to go?
+ if (empty($missing))
+ {
+ Authentication::updatePassword($user->getUserId(), Authentication::computeHash($_POST['password1']));
+ $_SESSION['login_msg'] = ['Your password has been reset', 'You can now use the form below to log in to your account.', 'success'];
+ header('Location: ' . BASEURL . '/login/');
+ exit;
+ }
+ else
+ $form->adopt(new Alert('Some fields require your attention', '- ' . implode('
- ', $missing) . '
', 'danger'));