Did the LCD thing, but not happy about it. refactored to answers with u64
This commit is contained in:
@ -7,8 +7,15 @@ name = "advent_2023"
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@ -7,3 +7,4 @@ edition = "2021"
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@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
use std::{path::Path, vec};
use itertools::Itertools;
use crate::{input::read_into_vec, error::AdventError};
fn process(lines: Vec::<String>) -> Result<u32, AdventError> {
let calibrations: Vec<u32> = lines.iter().map(|v| {
fn process(lines: Vec::<String>) -> Result<u64, AdventError> {
let calibrations = lines.iter().map(|v| {
let first_digit = v.as_bytes()
.skip_while(|i| {
@ -18,14 +20,14 @@ fn process(lines: Vec::<String>) -> Result<u32, AdventError> {
.skip_while(|i| { **i < 48u8 || **i > 57u8 })
(*first_digit - 48) as u32 * 10 + (*last_digit - 48) as u32
(*first_digit - 48) as u64 * 10 + (*last_digit - 48) as u64
pub fn one() -> Result<u32, AdventError> {
pub fn one() -> Result<u64, AdventError> {
let lines: Vec<String> = read_into_vec::<String>(Path::new("resources/input1.txt"))?;
@ -33,7 +35,7 @@ pub fn one() -> Result<u32, AdventError> {
struct Mutation(usize, char);
struct Pattern(&'static str, char);
pub fn two() -> Result<u32, AdventError> {
pub fn two() -> Result<u64, AdventError> {
let mut lines = read_into_vec(Path::new("resources/input1.txt"))?;
let mut mutations = Vec::<Mutation>::new();
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ impl FromStr for Group {
fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
let split = s.split(' ').collect::<Vec<&str>>();
Ok(Group{count: u32::from_str(split[0])?, color: Color::from_str(split[1])?})
Ok(Group{count: u64::from_str(split[0])?, color: Color::from_str(split[1])?})
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ impl FromStr for Game {
fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
let split = s.split(':').collect::<Vec<&str>>();
let id = u32::from_str(split[0].split(' ').collect::<Vec<&str>>()[1])?;
let id = u64::from_str(split[0].split(' ').collect::<Vec<&str>>()[1])?;
let pulls = split[1];
let mut res = Vec::<Pull>::new();
for pull in pulls.split(',') {
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ enum Color {
struct Group {
count: u32,
count: u64,
color: Color,
@ -73,14 +73,14 @@ struct Pull {
struct Game {
id: u32,
id: u64,
pulls: Vec<Pull>
pub fn one() -> Result<u32, AdventError> {
pub fn one() -> Result<u64, AdventError> {
let games: Vec<Game> = read_into_vec(Path::new("resources/input2.txt"))?;
let mut sum: u32 = 0;
let mut sum: u64 = 0;
let max_red = 12;
let max_green = 13;
@ -103,14 +103,14 @@ pub fn one() -> Result<u32, AdventError> {
pub fn two() -> Result<u32, AdventError> {
pub fn two() -> Result<u64, AdventError> {
let games: Vec<Game> = read_into_vec(Path::new("resources/input2.txt"))?;
let mut power: u32 = 0;
let mut power: u64 = 0;
for game in games.iter() {
let mut max_nr_red = 0;
let mut max_nr_green = 0;
let mut max_nr_blue = 0;
let mut max_nr_red = 0u64;
let mut max_nr_green = 0u64;
let mut max_nr_blue = 0u64;
for pull in game.pulls.iter() {
for group in pull.groups.iter() {
match group.color {
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ use crate::{input::read_into_vec, error::AdventError};
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct Number {
value: u32,
value: u64,
position: u8,
length: u8
@ -179,9 +179,9 @@ fn filter_gears(rows: &mut Vec<RowInfo>) -> &mut Vec<RowInfo> {
pub fn one() -> Result<u32, AdventError> {
pub fn one() -> Result<u64, AdventError> {
let rows = read_into_vec::<RowInfo>(Path::new("resources/input3.txt"))?;
let mut sum: u32 = 0;
let mut sum: u64 = 0;
for (i, row) in rows.iter().enumerate() {
for number in row.numbers.iter() {
let coords = gen_coords_number(i, number);
@ -199,10 +199,10 @@ pub fn one() -> Result<u32, AdventError> {
pub fn two() -> Result<u32, AdventError> {
pub fn two() -> Result<u64, AdventError> {
let mut rows = read_into_vec::<RowInfo>(Path::new("resources/input3.txt"))?;
rows = filter_gears(&mut rows).clone();
let mut sum: u32 = 0;
let mut sum: u64 = 0;
for (i, row) in rows.iter().enumerate() {
for symbol in row.symbols.iter() {
let coords = gen_coords_symbol(i, symbol);
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ struct ScratchGame {
winning_numbers: HashSet<i32>
pub fn one() -> Result<u32, AdventError> {
pub fn one() -> Result<u64, AdventError> {
let games = read_into_vec::<ScratchGame>(Path::new("resources/input4.txt"))?;
Ok(games.into_iter().fold(Ok(0), |acc: Result<u64, AdventError>, game: ScratchGame| {
let acc = acc?;
@ -41,12 +41,12 @@ pub fn one() -> Result<u32, AdventError> {
0 => 0,
x => (2 as u64).pow((x-1).try_into()?)
})? as u32)
})? as u64)
pub fn two() -> Result<u32, AdventError> {
pub fn two() -> Result<u64, AdventError> {
let games = read_into_vec::<ScratchGame>(Path::new("resources/input4.txt"))?;
let mut vec = Vec::<u32>::new();
let mut vec = Vec::<u64>::new();
vec.resize(games.len(), 1);
Ok(games.into_iter().fold(0, | acc, game | {
@ -214,15 +214,15 @@ impl FromStr for Almanac {
pub fn one() -> Result<u32, AdventError>
pub fn one() -> Result<u64, AdventError>
let almanac = read_into::<Almanac>(Path::new("resources/input5.txt".into()))?;
Ok(almanac.find_closest(true)? as u64)
pub fn two() -> Result<u32, AdventError>
pub fn two() -> Result<u64, AdventError>
let mut almanac = read_into::<Almanac>(Path::new("resources/input5.txt".into()))?;
Ok(almanac.find_closest(false)? as u64)
@ -87,14 +87,14 @@ pub fn number_of_record_beating_chances(max_time: i128, record: i128) -> u32 {
(answer2.ceil() - answer1.ceil()) as u32
pub fn one() -> Result<u32, AdventError> {
pub fn one() -> Result<u64, AdventError> {
let overview = read_into::<RecordsOverview>(Path::new("resources/input6.txt"))?;
Ok(overview.records.iter().fold(1, |acc, record| {
acc * number_of_record_beating_chances(record.time.into(), record.distance.into())
}) as u64)
pub fn two() -> Result<u32, AdventError> {
pub fn two() -> Result<u64, AdventError> {
let record = read_into::<Record>(Path::new("resources/input6.txt"))?;
Ok(number_of_record_beating_chances(record.time.into(), record.distance.into()))
Ok(number_of_record_beating_chances(record.time.into(), record.distance.into()) as u64)
@ -421,18 +421,18 @@ impl FromStr for LineTwo {
pub fn one() -> Result<u32, AdventError> {
pub fn one() -> Result<u64, AdventError> {
let mut lines = read_into_vec::<LineOne>(Path::new("resources/input7.txt".into()))?;
Ok(lines.iter().enumerate().fold(0, |acc, (rank, hand)| {
acc + (rank as u32 + 1) * hand.bid
}) as u64)
pub fn two() -> Result<u32, AdventError> {
pub fn two() -> Result<u64, AdventError> {
let mut lines = read_into_vec::<LineTwo>(Path::new("resources/input7.txt".into()))?;
Ok(lines.iter().enumerate().fold(0, |acc, (rank, hand)| {
acc + (rank as u32 + 1) * hand.bid
}) as u64)
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
use std::{path::Path, str::FromStr, collections::HashMap};
use itertools::Itertools;
use num::integer::gcd;
use crate::{error::AdventError, input::read_into};
@ -105,35 +106,38 @@ fn is_end1(node: &String) -> bool {
node == &"ZZZ".to_string()
fn is_end2(nodes: &Vec<String>) -> bool {
nodes.iter().all(|x| {
fn is_end2(node: &String) -> bool {
pub fn one() -> Result<u32, AdventError> {
pub fn one() -> Result<u64, AdventError> {
let map = read_into::<Map1>(Path::new("resources/input8.txt"))?.0;
let mut node = map.start[0].clone();
for (i, direction) in map.directions.iter().cycle().enumerate() {
node = map.take_step(&node, direction)?;
if is_end1(&node) {
return Ok(i as u32 +1);
return Ok(i as u64 + 1);
panic!("Cycle iterator should never terminate")
pub fn two() -> Result<u32, AdventError> {
pub fn two() -> Result<u64, AdventError> {
let map = read_into::<Map2>(Path::new("resources/input8.txt"))?.0;
let mut nodes = map.start.clone();
let iterations = nodes.iter_mut().map(|current| {
for (i, direction) in map.directions.iter().cycle().enumerate() {
nodes = nodes.iter().map(|current| {
map.take_step(¤t, direction)
}).collect::<Result<Vec<String>,AdventError>>()?.iter().unique().map(|x| x.clone()).collect_vec();
if is_end2(&nodes) {
return Ok(i as u32 +1);
current.clone_from(&map.take_step(current, direction)?);
if is_end2(¤t) {
return Ok((i + 1) as u64);
panic!("Cycle iterator should never terminate")
}).collect::<Result<Vec<u64>, AdventError>>()?;
let mut iter = iterations.into_iter();
let acc = iter.next().unwrap() as u64;
Ok(iter.fold(Ok(acc), |acc, i| -> Result<u64, AdventError> {
let accumulator = acc?;
return Ok(i * accumulator / gcd(i, accumulator));
@ -11,14 +11,14 @@ use crate::error::AdventError;
fn main() -> Result<(), AdventError> {
let days = vec![
(day1::one as fn() -> Result<u32, AdventError>, day1::two as fn() -> Result<u32, AdventError>),
(day2::one as fn() -> Result<u32, AdventError>, day2::two as fn() -> Result<u32, AdventError>),
(day3::one as fn() -> Result<u32, AdventError>, day3::two as fn() -> Result<u32, AdventError>),
(day4::one as fn() -> Result<u32, AdventError>, day4::two as fn() -> Result<u32, AdventError>),
(day5::one as fn() -> Result<u32, AdventError>, day5::two as fn() -> Result<u32, AdventError>),
(day6::one as fn() -> Result<u32, AdventError>, day6::two as fn() -> Result<u32, AdventError>),
(day7::one as fn() -> Result<u32, AdventError>, day7::two as fn() -> Result<u32, AdventError>),
(day8::one as fn() -> Result<u32, AdventError>, day8::two as fn() -> Result<u32, AdventError>),
(day1::one as fn() -> Result<u64, AdventError>, day1::two as fn() -> Result<u64, AdventError>),
(day2::one as fn() -> Result<u64, AdventError>, day2::two as fn() -> Result<u64, AdventError>),
(day3::one as fn() -> Result<u64, AdventError>, day3::two as fn() -> Result<u64, AdventError>),
(day4::one as fn() -> Result<u64, AdventError>, day4::two as fn() -> Result<u64, AdventError>),
(day5::one as fn() -> Result<u64, AdventError>, day5::two as fn() -> Result<u64, AdventError>),
(day6::one as fn() -> Result<u64, AdventError>, day6::two as fn() -> Result<u64, AdventError>),
(day7::one as fn() -> Result<u64, AdventError>, day7::two as fn() -> Result<u64, AdventError>),
(day8::one as fn() -> Result<u64, AdventError>, day8::two as fn() -> Result<u64, AdventError>),
if env::args().len() == 1 {
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ fn main() -> Result<(), AdventError> {
let one_result = one()?;
let two_result = two()?;
Ok((one_result, two_result))
}).enumerate().map(|(index, r): (usize, Result<(u32, u32), AdventError>)| {
}).enumerate().map(|(index, r): (usize, Result<(u64, u64), AdventError>)| {
match r {
Ok((res1, res2)) => println!("{}: ({}, {})", index + 1, res1, res2),
Err(e) => println!("Error: {}", e.0)
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