import os import subprocess import shutil from import * from amaranth.vendor.lattice_ecp5 import * from .resources import * __all__ = ["OrangeCrabR0_2Platform"] class OrangeCrabR0_2Platform(LatticeECP5Platform): device = "LFE5U-25F" package = "MG285" speed = "8" default_clk = "clk" resources = [ Resource("clk", 0, Pins("A9", dir="i"), Clock(48e6), Attrs(IO_TYPE="LVCMOS33")), # Used to reload FPGA configuration. # Can enter USB bootloader by assigning button 0 to program. Resource("program", 0, PinsN("V17", dir="o"), Attrs(IO_TYPE="LVCMOS33")), RGBLEDResource(0, r="K4", g="M3", b="J3", invert=True, attrs=Attrs(IO_TYPE="LVCMOS33")), *ButtonResources( pins={0: "J17" }, invert=True, attrs=Attrs(IO_TYPE="SSTL135_I")), *SPIFlashResources(0, cs_n="U17", clk="U16", cipo="T18", copi="U18", wp_n="R18", hold_n="N18", attrs=Attrs(IO_TYPE="LVCMOS33"), ), Resource("ddr3", 0, Subsignal("rst", PinsN("L18", dir="o")), Subsignal("clk", DiffPairs("J18", "K18", dir="o"), Attrs(IO_TYPE="SSTL135D_I")), Subsignal("clk_en", Pins("D18", dir="o")), Subsignal("cs", PinsN("A12", dir="o")), Subsignal("we", PinsN("B12", dir="o")), Subsignal("ras", PinsN("C12", dir="o")), Subsignal("cas", PinsN("D13", dir="o")), Subsignal("a", Pins("C4 D2 D3 A3 A4 D4 C3 B2 B1 D1 A7 C2 B6 C1 A2 C7", dir="o")), Subsignal("ba", Pins("P5 N3 M3", dir="o")), Subsignal("dqs", DiffPairs("G18 H17", "B15 A16", dir="io"), Attrs(IO_TYPE="SSTL135D_I", TERMINATION="OFF", DIFFRESISTOR="100")), Subsignal("dq", Pins("C17 D15 B17 C16 A15 B13 A17 A13 F17 F16 G15 F15 J16 C18 H16 F18", dir="io"), Attrs(TERMINATION="75")), Subsignal("dm", Pins("G16 D16", dir="o")), Subsignal("odt", Pins("C13", dir="o")), Attrs(IO_TYPE="SSTL135_I", SLEWRATE="FAST") ), Resource("ddr3_pseudo_power", 0, # pseudo power pins, leave these at their default value Subsignal("vcc_virtual", PinsN("K16 D17 K15 K17 B18 C6", dir="o")), Subsignal("gnd_virtual", Pins("L15 L16", dir="o")), Attrs(IO_TYPE="SSTL135_II", SLEWRATE="FAST") ), Resource("adc", 0, Subsignal("ctrl", Pins("G1 F1", dir="o")), Subsignal("mux", Pins("F4 F3 F2 H1", dir="o")), Subsignal("sense", DiffPairs("H3", "G3", dir="i"), Attrs(IO_TYPE="LVCMOS33D")), Attrs(IO_TYPE="LVCMOS33") ), *SDCardResources(0, dat0="J1", dat1="K3", dat2="L3", dat3="M1", clk="K1", cmd="K2", cd="L1", attrs=Attrs(IO_TYPE="LVCMOS33", SLEWRATE="FAST") ), DirectUSBResource(0, d_p="N1", d_n="M2", pullup="N2", attrs=Attrs(IO_TYPE="LVCMOS33")) ] connectors = [ Connector("io", 0, { "0": "N17", "1": "M18", "5": "B10", "6": "B9", "9": "C8", "10": "B8", "11": "A8", "12": "H2", "13": "J2", "a0": "L4", "a1": "N3", "a2": "N4", "a3": "H4", "a4": "G4", "cipo": "N15", "copi": "N16", "sck": "R17", "scl": "C9", "sda": "C10" }) ] @property def required_tools(self): return super().required_tools + [ "dfu-suffix" ] @property def command_templates(self): return super().command_templates + [ r""" {{invoke_tool("dfu-suffix")}} -v 1209 -p 5af0 -a {{name}}.bit """ ] def toolchain_prepare(self, fragment, name, **kwargs): overrides = dict(ecppack_opts="--compress --freq 38.8") overrides.update(kwargs) return super().toolchain_prepare(fragment, name, **overrides) def toolchain_program(self, products, name): dfu_util = os.environ.get("DFU_UTIL", "dfu-util") with products.extract("{}.bit".format(name)) as bitstream_filename: subprocess.check_call([dfu_util, "-D", bitstream_filename]) if __name__ == "__main__": from .test.blinky import * OrangeCrabR0_2Platform().build(Blinky(), do_program=True)