import os import subprocess from import * from amaranth.vendor.xilinx_spartan_3_6 import * from .resources import * __all__ = ["MercuryPlatform"] class MercuryPlatform(XilinxSpartan3APlatform): """ Original Mercury Board from Micro-Nova: Mercury Manual: Mercury Schematic: The Mercury board is often paired with an extension board called the Baseboard, which provides an ample set of I/O for FPGA beginners. Baseboard Manual: Baseboard Schematics: Mercury and Baseboard Resources: """ device = "xc3s200a" package = "vq100" speed = "4" default_clk = "clk50" resources = [ Resource("clk50", 0, Pins("P43", dir="i"), Attrs(IOSTANDARD="LVCMOS33"), Clock(50e6)), Resource("button", 0, Pins("P41", dir="i"), Attrs(IOSTANDARD="LVTTL")), # The serial interface and flash memory have a shared SPI bus. # FPGA is secondary. SPIResource("spi_serial", 0, role="peripheral", cs_n="P39", clk="P53", copi="P46", cipo="P51", attrs=Attrs(IOSTANDARD="LVTTL"), ), # FPGA is primary. *SPIFlashResources(0, cs_n="P27", clk="P53", copi="P46", cipo="P51", attrs=Attrs(IOSTANDARD="LVTTL") ), # ADC over SPI- FPGA is primary. SPIResource("spi_adc", 0, role="controller", cs_n="P12", clk="P9", copi="P10", cipo="P21", attrs=Attrs(IOSTANDARD="LVTTL"), ), # GPIO/SRAM Control # 5V tolerant GPIO is shared w/ the SRAM (on 200k gate devices) using # this pin. All GPIO except gpio:30 (and gpio:20, though see comment # under SRAMResource) interface to the SRAM. On assertion, this signal # will tristate the level-shifters, preventing any output on the 5V # GPIO pins (including gpio:30 and gpio:20). Resource("bussw_oe", 0, PinsN("P30N", dir="o"), Attrs(IOSTANDARD="LVTTL")) ] # Perhaps define some connectors as having a specific purpose- i.e. a 5V GPIO # bus with data, peripheral-select, and control signals? connectors = [ Connector("gpio", 0, """P59 P60 P61 P62 P64 P57 P56 P52 P50 P49 P85 P84 P83 P78 P77 P65 P70 P71 P72 P73 P5 P4 P6 P98 P94 P93 P90 P89 P88 P86"""), # 5V I/O- LVTTL. Connector("dio", 0, "P20 P32 P33 P34 P35 P36 P37"), # Fast 3.3V IO # (Directly attached to FPGA)- LVCMOS33. Connector("clkio", 0, "P40 P44"), # Clock IO (Can be used as GPIO)- # LVCMOS33. Connector("input", 0, "P68 P97 P7 P82"), # Input-only pins- LVCMOS33. Connector("led", 0, "P13 P15 P16 P19"), # LEDs can be used as pins # as well- LVTTL. Connector("pmod", 0, "P5 P4 P6 P98 P94 P93 P90 P89") # Baseboard PMOD. # Overlaps w/ GPIO bus. ] # Some default useful extensions. Attach to platform using: # p.add_resources(p.leds) # pmod_btn = plat.request("led") leds = [ Resource("led", 0, Pins("1", dir="o", conn=("led", 0)), Attrs(IOSTANDARD="LVTTL")), Resource("led", 1, Pins("2", dir="o", conn=("led", 0)), Attrs(IOSTANDARD="LVTTL")), Resource("led", 2, Pins("3", dir="o", conn=("led", 0)), Attrs(IOSTANDARD="LVTTL")), Resource("led", 3, Pins("4", dir="o", conn=("led", 0)), Attrs(IOSTANDARD="LVTTL")), ] sram = [ SRAMResource(0, cs_n="P3", we_n="gpio_0:29", # According to the schematic, A19/Pin 25 on the SRAM is wired to # gpio-0:20. However, according to the SRAM's datasheet, pin 25 is # a NC. Do not expose for now. a=""" gpio_0:1 gpio_0:2 gpio_0:3 gpio_0:4 gpio_0:5 gpio_0:6 gpio_0:7 gpio_0:8 gpio_0:9 gpio_0:10 gpio_0:11 gpio_0:12 gpio_0:13 gpio_0:14 gpio_0:15 gpio_0:16 gpio_0:17 gpio_0:18 gpio_0:19""", d="""gpio_0:21 gpio_0:22 gpio_0:23 gpio_0:24 gpio_0:25 gpio_0:26 gpio_0:27 gpio_0:28""", attrs=Attrs(IOSTANDARD="LVTTL", SLEW="FAST") ) ] # The "serial port" is in fact over SPI. The creators of the board provide # a VHDL file for talking over this interface. In light of space # constraints and the fact that both the FT245RL and FPGA can BOTH be # SPI primaries, however, it may be necessary to sacrifice two "high-speed" # (DIO, INPUT) pins instead. serial = [ # RX: FTDI D0, TX: FTDI D1 UARTResource(0, rx="input_0:1", tx="dio_0:1", attrs=Attrs(IOSTANDARD="LVCMOS33")) ] # The remaining peripherals only make sense w/ the Baseboard installed. # See: _switches = [ Resource("switch", 0, Pins("1", dir="i", conn=("gpio", 0)), Attrs(IOSTANDARD="LVTTL")), Resource("switch", 1, Pins("2", dir="i", conn=("gpio", 0)), Attrs(IOSTANDARD="LVTTL")), Resource("switch", 2, Pins("3", dir="i", conn=("gpio", 0)), Attrs(IOSTANDARD="LVTTL")), Resource("switch", 3, Pins("4", dir="i", conn=("gpio", 0)), Attrs(IOSTANDARD="LVTTL")), Resource("switch", 4, Pins("5", dir="i", conn=("gpio", 0)), Attrs(IOSTANDARD="LVTTL")), Resource("switch", 5, Pins("6", dir="i", conn=("gpio", 0)), Attrs(IOSTANDARD="LVTTL")), Resource("switch", 6, Pins("7", dir="i", conn=("gpio", 0)), Attrs(IOSTANDARD="LVTTL")), Resource("switch", 7, Pins("8", dir="i", conn=("gpio", 0)), Attrs(IOSTANDARD="LVTTL")) ] _buttons = [ Resource("button", 1, Pins("1", dir="i", conn=("input", 0)), Attrs(IOSTANDARD="LVTTL")), Resource("button", 2, Pins("2", dir="i", conn=("input", 0)), Attrs(IOSTANDARD="LVTTL")), Resource("button", 3, Pins("3", dir="i", conn=("input", 0)), Attrs(IOSTANDARD="LVTTL")), Resource("button", 4, Pins("4", dir="i", conn=("input", 0)), Attrs(IOSTANDARD="LVTTL")) ] _vga = [ VGAResource(0, r="dio_0:1 dio_0:2 dio_0:3", g="dio_0:4 dio_0:5 dio_0:6", b="dio_0:7 clkio_0:1", hs="led_0:3", vs="led_0:4", invert_sync=True, attrs=Attrs(IOSTANDARD="LVCMOS33", SLEW="FAST")) ] _extclk = [ Resource("extclk", 0, Pins("1", dir="i", conn=("clkio", 1)), Attrs(IOSTANDARD="LVCMOS33")) ] _sevenseg = [ Display7SegResource(0, a="gpio_0:13", b="gpio_0:14", c="gpio_0:15", d="gpio_0:16", e="gpio_0:17", f="gpio_0:18", g="gpio_0:19", dp="gpio_0:20", invert=True, attrs=Attrs(IOSTANDARD="LVTTL") ), Resource("display_7seg_ctrl", 0, Subsignal("en", Pins("9 10 11 12", dir="o", conn=("gpio", 0))), Attrs(IOSTANDARD="LVTTL") ) ] _ps2 = [ PS2Resource(0, clk="2", dat="1", conn=("led", 0), attrs=Attrs(IOSTANDARD="LVTTL")), ] _audio = [ Resource("audio", 0, Subsignal("l", Pins("30", dir="o", conn=("gpio", 0))), Subsignal("r", Pins("29", dir="o", conn=("gpio", 0))), Attrs(IOSTANDARD="LVTTL") ) ] baseboard_sram = _buttons + _vga + _extclk + _ps2 baseboard_no_sram = baseboard_sram + _switches + _sevenseg + _audio def toolchain_program(self, products, name): # mercpcl = os.environ.get("MERCPCL", "mercpcl") with products.extract("{}.bin".format(name)) as bitstream_filename: subprocess.check_call([mercpcl, bitstream_filename]) if __name__ == "__main__": from .test.blinky import * plat = MercuryPlatform() plat.add_resources(plat.leds), do_program=True)