import os import sys import subprocess from import * from amaranth.vendor.quicklogic import * from amaranth_boards.resources import * __all__ = ["QuickfeatherPlatform"] class QuickfeatherPlatform(QuicklogicPlatform): device = "ql-eos-s3_wlcsp" package = "PU64" default_clk = "sys_clk0" # It is possible to configure both oscillator frequency and # clock divider. Resulting frequency is: 60MHz / 12 = 5MHz osc_freq = int(60e6) osc_div = 12 connectors = [ Connector("J", 2, "- 28 22 21 37 36 42 40 7 2 4 5"), Connector("J", 3, "- 8 9 17 16 20 6 55 31 25 47 - - - - 41"), Connector("J", 8, "27 26 33 32 23 57 56 3 64 62 63 61 59 - - -"), ] resources = [ *ButtonResources(pins="62"), RGBLEDResource(0, r="34", g="39", b="38"), UARTResource(0, rx="9", tx="8", ), SPIResource(0, cs_n="11", clk="20", copi="16", cipo="17" ), SPIResource(1, cs_n="37", clk="40", copi="36", cipo="42", role="peripheral" ), I2CResource(0, scl="4", sda="5" ), I2CResource(1, scl="22", sda="21" ), DirectUSBResource(0, d_p="10", d_n="14"), Resource("swd", 0, Subsignal("clk", Pins("54", dir="io")), Subsignal("io", Pins("53", dir="io")), ), ] # This programmer requires OpenOCD with support for eos-s3: # def toolchain_program(self, products, name): openocd = os.environ.get("OPENOCD", "openocd") with products.extract("{}.openocd".format(name), "{}_iomux.openocd".format(name)) as \ (bitstream_openocd_filename, iomux_openocd_filename): subprocess.check_call([ openocd, "-s", "tcl", "-f", "interface/ftdi/antmicro-ftdi-adapter.cfg", "-f", "interface/ftdi/swd-resistor-hack.cfg", "-f", "board/quicklogic_quickfeather.cfg", "-f", bitstream_openocd_filename, "-c", "init", "-c", "reset halt", "-c", "load_bitstream", "-f", iomux_openocd_filename, "-c", "exit" ]) if __name__ == "__main__": from .test.blinky import * QuickfeatherPlatform().build(Blinky())