<?php /***************************************************************************** * import_albums.php * Imports albums from a Gallery 3 database. * * Kabuki CMS (C) 2013-2016, Aaron van Geffen *****************************************************************************/ // Include the project's configuration. require_once 'config.php'; // Set up the autoloader. require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; // Initialise the database. $db = new Database(DB_SERVER, DB_USER, DB_PASS, DB_NAME); $pdb = new Database(DB_SERVER, DB_USER, DB_PASS, "hashru_gallery"); Registry::set('db', $db); // Do some authentication checks. Session::start(); Registry::set('user', Authentication::isLoggedIn() ? Member::fromId($_SESSION['user_id']) : new Guest()); // Enable debugging. //set_error_handler('ErrorHandler::handleError'); ini_set("display_errors", DEBUG ? "On" : "Off"); /******************************* * STEP 0: USERS *******************************/ $num_users = $pdb->queryValue(' SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users'); echo $num_users, ' users to import.', "\n"; $rs_users = $pdb->query(' SELECT id, name, full_name, password, last_login, email, admin FROM users WHERE id > 1 ORDER BY id ASC'); $old_user_id_to_new_user_id = []; while ($user = $pdb->fetch_assoc($rs_users)) { // Check whether a user already exists for this e-mail address. if (!($id_user = Authentication::getUserId($user['email']))) { $bool = $db->insert('insert', 'users', [ 'first_name' => 'string-30', 'surname' => 'string-60', 'slug' => 'string-90', 'emailaddress' => 'string-255', 'password_hash' => 'string-255', 'creation_time' => 'int', 'last_action_time' => 'int', 'ip_address' => 'string-15', 'is_admin' => 'int', ], [ 'first_name' => substr($user['full_name'], 0, strpos($user['full_name'], ' ')), 'surname' => substr($user['full_name'], strpos($user['full_name'], ' ') + 1), 'slug' => $user['name'], 'emailaddress' => $user['email'], 'password_hash' => $user['password'], 'creation_time' => 0, 'last_action_time' => $user['last_login'], 'ip_address' => '', 'is_admin' => $user['admin'], ], ['id_user']); if ($bool) $id_user = $db->insert_id(); else die("User creation failed!"); } $old_user_id_to_new_user_id[$user['id']] = $id_user; } $pdb->free_result($rs_users); /******************************* * STEP 1: ALBUMS *******************************/ $num_albums = $pdb->queryValue(' SELECT COUNT(*) FROM items WHERE type = {string:album} ORDER BY id ASC', ['album' => 'album']); echo $num_albums, ' albums to import.', "\n"; $albums = $pdb->query(' SELECT id, album_cover_item_id, parent_id, title, description, relative_path_cache, relative_url_cache FROM items WHERE type = {string:album} ORDER BY id ASC', ['album' => 'album']); $tags = []; $old_album_id_to_new_tag_id = []; $dirnames_by_old_album_id = []; $old_thumb_id_by_tag_id = []; while ($album = $pdb->fetch_assoc($albums)) { $tag = Tag::createNew([ 'tag' => $album['title'], 'slug' => $album['relative_url_cache'], 'kind' => 'Album', 'description' => $album['description'], ]); if (!empty($album['parent_id'])) $parent_to_set[$tag->id_tag] = $album['parent_id']; $tags[$tag->id_tag] = $tag; $old_album_id_to_new_tag_id[$album['id']] = $tag->id_tag; $dirnames_by_old_album_id[$album['id']] = str_replace('#', '', urldecode($album['relative_path_cache'])); $old_thumb_id_by_tag_id[$tag->id_tag] = $album['album_cover_item_id']; } $pdb->free_result($albums); foreach ($parent_to_set as $id_tag => $old_album_id) { $id_parent = $old_album_id_to_new_tag_id[$old_album_id]; $db->query(' UPDATE tags SET id_parent = ' . $id_parent . ' WHERE id_tag = ' . $id_tag); } unset($parent_to_set); /******************************* * STEP 2: PHOTOS *******************************/ $num_photos = $pdb->queryValue(' SELECT COUNT(*) FROM items WHERE type = {string:photo}', ['photo' => "photo"]); echo $num_photos, " photos to import.\n"; $old_photo_id_to_asset_id = []; for ($i = 0; $i < $num_photos; $i += 50) { echo 'Offset ' . $i . "...\n"; $photos = $pdb->query(' SELECT id, owner_id, parent_id, captured, created, name, title, description, relative_url_cache, width, height, mime_type, weight FROM items WHERE type = {string:photo} ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT ' . $i . ', 50', ['photo' => 'photo']); while ($photo = $pdb->fetch_assoc($photos)) { $res = $db->query(' INSERT INTO assets (id_user_uploaded, subdir, filename, title, slug, mimetype, image_width, image_height, date_captured, priority) VALUES ({int:id_user_uploaded}, {string:subdir}, {string:filename}, {string:title}, {string:slug}, {string:mimetype}, {int:image_width}, {int:image_height}, IF({int:date_captured} > 0, FROM_UNIXTIME({int:date_captured}), NULL), {int:priority})', [ 'id_user_uploaded' => $old_user_id_to_new_user_id[$photo['owner_id']], 'subdir' => $dirnames_by_old_album_id[$photo['parent_id']], 'filename' => $photo['name'], 'title' => $photo['title'], 'slug' => $photo['relative_url_cache'], 'mimetype' => $photo['mime_type'], 'image_width' => !empty($photo['width']) ? $photo['width'] : 'NULL', 'image_height' => !empty($photo['height']) ? $photo['height'] : 'NULL', 'date_captured' => !empty($photo['captured']) ? $photo['captured'] : $photo['created'], 'priority' => !empty($photo['weight']) ? (int) $photo['weight'] : 0, ]); $id_asset = $db->insert_id(); $old_photo_id_to_asset_id[$photo['id']] = $id_asset; // Link to album. $db->query(' INSERT INTO assets_tags (id_asset, id_tag) VALUES ({int:id_asset}, {int:id_tag})', [ 'id_asset' => $id_asset, 'id_tag' => $old_album_id_to_new_tag_id[$photo['parent_id']], ]); } } /******************************* * STEP 3: TAGS *******************************/ $num_tags = $pdb->queryValue(' SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tags'); echo $num_tags, " tags to import.\n"; $rs_tags = $pdb->query(' SELECT id, name, count FROM tags'); $old_tag_id_to_new_tag_id = []; while ($person = $pdb->fetch_assoc($rs_tags)) { $tag = Tag::createNew([ 'tag' => $person['name'], 'slug' => $person['name'], 'kind' => 'Person', 'description' => '', 'count' => $person['count'], ]); $tags[$tag->id_tag] = $tag; $old_tag_id_to_new_tag_id[$person['id']] = $tag->id_tag; } $pdb->free_result($rs_tags); /******************************* * STEP 4: TAGGED PHOTOS *******************************/ $num_tagged = $pdb->queryValue(' SELECT COUNT(*) FROM items_tags WHERE item_id IN( SELECT id FROM items WHERE type = {string:photo} )', ['photo' => 'photo']); echo $num_tagged, " photo tags to import.\n"; $rs_tags = $pdb->query(' SELECT item_id, tag_id FROM items_tags WHERE item_id IN( SELECT id FROM items WHERE type = {string:photo} )', ['photo' => 'photo']); while ($tag = $pdb->fetch_assoc($rs_tags)) { if (!isset($old_tag_id_to_new_tag_id[$tag['tag_id']], $old_photo_id_to_asset_id[$tag['item_id']])) continue; $id_asset = $old_photo_id_to_asset_id[$tag['item_id']]; $id_tag = $old_tag_id_to_new_tag_id[$tag['tag_id']]; // Link up. $db->query(' INSERT IGNORE INTO assets_tags (id_asset, id_tag) VALUES ({int:id_asset}, {int:id_tag})', [ 'id_asset' => $id_asset, 'id_tag' => $id_tag, ]); } $pdb->free_result($rs_tags); /******************************* * STEP 5: THUMBNAIL IDS *******************************/ foreach ($old_thumb_id_by_tag_id as $id_tag => $old_thumb_id) { if (!isset($old_photo_id_to_asset_id[$old_thumb_id])) continue; $id_asset = $old_photo_id_to_asset_id[$old_thumb_id]; $db->query(' UPDATE tags SET id_asset_thumb = ' . $id_asset . ' WHERE id_tag = ' . $id_tag); } /******************************* * STEP 6: THUMBNAILS FOR PEOPLE *******************************/ $db->query(' UPDATE tags AS t SET id_asset_thumb = ( SELECT id_asset FROM assets_tags AS a WHERE a.id_tag = t.id_tag ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1 ) WHERE kind = {string:person}', ['person' => 'Person']);