<?php /***************************************************************************** * FormView.php * Contains the form template. * * Kabuki CMS (C) 2013-2015, Aaron van Geffen *****************************************************************************/ class FormView extends SubTemplate { private $content_below; private $content_above; private $data; private $missing; private $fields; private $request_method; private $request_url; private $title; public function __construct(Form $form, $title = '') { $this->title = $title; $this->request_url = $form->request_url; $this->request_method = $form->request_method; $this->fields = $form->getFields(); $this->missing = $form->getMissing(); $this->data = $form->getData(); $this->content_above = $form->content_above; $this->content_below = $form->content_below; } protected function html_content($exclude = [], $include = []) { if (!empty($this->title)) echo ' <div class="admin_box"> <h2>', htmlspecialchars($this->title), '</h2>'; foreach ($this->_subtemplates as $template) $template->html_main(); echo ' <form action="', $this->request_url, '" method="', $this->request_method, '" enctype="multipart/form-data">'; if (isset($this->content_above)) echo $this->content_above; echo ' <dl>'; foreach ($this->fields as $field_id => $field) { // Either we have a blacklist if (!empty($exclude) && in_array($field_id, $exclude)) continue; // ... or a whitelist elseif (!empty($include) && !in_array($field_id, $include)) continue; // ... or neither (ha) $this->renderField($field_id, $field); } echo ' </dl> <input type="hidden" name="', Session::getSessionTokenKey(), '" value="', Session::getSessionToken(), '"> <div style="clear: both"> <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Save information</button>'; if (isset($this->content_below)) echo ' ', $this->content_below; echo ' </div> </form>'; if (!empty($this->title)) echo ' </div>'; } protected function renderField($field_id, $field) { if (isset($field['before_html'])) echo '</dl> ', $field['before_html'], ' <dl>'; if ($field['type'] != 'checkbox' && isset($field['label'])) echo ' <dt class="cont_', $field_id, isset($field['tab_class']) ? ' target target-' . $field['tab_class'] : '', '"', in_array($field_id, $this->missing) ? ' style="color: red"' : '', '>', $field['label'], '</dt>'; elseif ($field['type'] === 'checkbox' && isset($field['header'])) echo ' <dt class="cont_', $field_id, isset($field['tab_class']) ? ' target target-' . $field['tab_class'] : '', '"', in_array($field_id, $this->missing) ? ' style="color: red"' : '', '>', $field['header'], '</dt>'; echo ' <dd class="cont_', $field_id, isset($field['dd_class']) ? ' ' . $field['dd_class'] : '', isset($field['tab_class']) ? ' target target-' . $field['tab_class'] : '', '">'; if (isset($field['before'])) echo $field['before']; switch ($field['type']) { case 'select': echo ' <select name="', $field_id, '" id="', $field_id, '"', !empty($field['disabled']) ? ' disabled' : '', '>'; if (isset($field['placeholder'])) echo ' <option value="">', $field['placeholder'], '</option>'; foreach ($field['options'] as $value => $option) echo ' <option value="', $value, '"', $this->data[$field_id] == $value ? ' selected' : '', '>', htmlentities($option), '</option>'; echo ' </select>'; break; case 'radio': foreach ($field['options'] as $value => $option) echo ' <input type="radio" name="', $field_id, '" value="', $value, '"', $this->data[$field_id] == $value ? ' checked' : '', !empty($field['disabled']) ? ' disabled' : '', '> ', htmlentities($option); break; case 'checkbox': echo ' <label><input type="checkbox"', $this->data[$field_id] ? ' checked' : '', !empty($field['disabled']) ? ' disabled' : '', ' name="', $field_id, '"> ', htmlentities($field['label']), '</label>'; break; case 'textarea': echo ' <textarea name="', $field_id, '" id="', $field_id, '" cols="', isset($field['columns']) ? $field['columns'] : 40, '" rows="', isset($field['rows']) ? $field['rows'] : 4, '"', !empty($field['disabled']) ? ' disabled' : '', '>', $this->data[$field_id], '</textarea>'; break; case 'color': echo ' <input type="color" name="', $field_id, '" id="', $field_id, '" value="', htmlentities($this->data[$field_id]), '"', !empty($field['disabled']) ? ' disabled' : '', '>'; break; case 'numeric': echo ' <input type="number"', isset($field['step']) ? ' step="' . $field['step'] . '"' : '', ' min="', isset($field['min_value']) ? $field['min_value'] : '0', '" max="', isset($field['max_value']) ? $field['max_value'] : '9999', '" name="', $field_id, '" id="', $field_id, '"', isset($field['size']) ? ' size="' . $field['size'] . '"' : '', isset($field['maxlength']) ? ' maxlength="' . $field['maxlength'] . '"' : '', ' value="', htmlentities($this->data[$field_id]), '"', !empty($field['disabled']) ? ' disabled' : '', '>'; break; case 'file': if (!empty($this->data[$field_id])) echo '<img src="', $this->data[$field_id], '" alt=""><br>'; echo ' <input type="file" name="', $field_id, '" id="', $field_id, '"', !empty($field['disabled']) ? ' disabled' : '', '>'; break; case 'text': case 'password': default: echo ' <input type="', $field['type'], '" name="', $field_id, '" id="', $field_id, '"', isset($field['size']) ? ' size="' . $field['size'] . '"' : '', isset($field['maxlength']) ? ' maxlength="' . $field['maxlength'] . '"' : '', ' value="', htmlentities($this->data[$field_id]), '"', !empty($field['disabled']) ? ' disabled' : '', isset($field['trigger']) ? ' class="trigger-' . $field['trigger'] . '"' : '', '>'; } if (isset($field['after'])) echo ' ', $field['after']; echo ' </dd>'; } }