<?php /***************************************************************************** * ProvideAutoSuggest.php * Contains the autosuggest provider. * * Kabuki CMS (C) 2013-2015, Aaron van Geffen *****************************************************************************/ class ProvideAutoSuggest extends JSONController { public function __construct() { // Ensure we're logged in at this point. if (!Registry::get('user')->isLoggedIn()) throw new NotAllowedException(); if (!isset($_REQUEST['type'])) throw new UnexpectedValueException('Unsupported autosuggest request.'); if ($_REQUEST['type'] === 'tags' && isset($_REQUEST['data'])) return $this->handleTagSearch(); if ($_REQUEST['type'] === 'createtag' && isset($_REQUEST['tag'])) return $this->handleTagCreation(); } private function handleTagSearch() { { $data = array_unique(explode(' ', urldecode($_REQUEST['data']))); $data = array_filter($data, function($item) { return strlen($item) >= 2; }); $this->payload = ['items' => []]; // Nothing to look for? if (count($data) === 0) return; $results = Tag::matchPeople($data); foreach ($results as $id_tag => $tag) $this->payload['items'][] = [ 'label' => $tag['tag'], 'id_tag' => $id_tag, 'url' => BASEURL . '/' . $tag['slug'] . '/', ]; } } private function handleTagCreation() { // It better not already exist! if (Tag::exactMatch($_REQUEST['tag'])) { $this->payload = ['error' => true, 'msg' => 'Tag already exists!']; return; } $label = htmlentities(trim($_REQUEST['tag'])); $slug = strtr($label, [' ' => '-']); $tag = Tag::createNew([ 'tag' => $label, 'kind' => 'Person', 'slug' => $slug, ]); // Did we succeed? if (!$tag) { $this->payload = ['error' => true, 'msg' => 'Could not create tag.']; return; } $this->payload = [ 'success' => true, 'label' => $tag->tag, 'id_tag' => $tag->id_tag, ]; } }