<?php /***************************************************************************** * app.php * Initiates key classes and determines which controller to use. * * Kabuki CMS (C) 2013-2015, Aaron van Geffen *****************************************************************************/ // Include the project's configuration. require_once 'config.php'; // Set up the autoloader. require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; // Initialise the database. Registry::set('start', microtime(true)); Registry::set('db', new Database(DB_SERVER, DB_USER, DB_PASS, DB_NAME)); // Do some authentication checks. Session::start(); $user = Authentication::isLoggedIn() ? Member::fromId($_SESSION['user_id']) : new Guest(); $user->updateAccessTime(); Registry::set('user', $user); // Handle errors our own way. set_error_handler('ErrorHandler::handleError'); ini_set("display_errors", DEBUG ? "On" : "Off"); // The real magic starts here! ob_start(); Dispatcher::dispatch(); ob_end_flush();