 * EditAsset.php
 * Contains the asset management controller
 * Kabuki CMS (C) 2013-2015, Aaron van Geffen

class EditAsset extends HTMLController
	public function __construct()
		if (empty($_GET['id']))
			throw new Exception('Invalid request.');

		$asset = Asset::fromId($_GET['id']);
		if (empty($asset))
			throw new NotFoundException('Asset not found');

		// Can we edit this asset?
		$user = Registry::get('user');
		if (!($user->isAdmin() || $asset->isOwnedBy($user)))
			throw new NotAllowedException();

		if (isset($_REQUEST['delete']) && Session::validateSession('get'))
			$redirectUrl = BASEURL . '/' . $asset->getSubdir();

			header('Location: ' . $redirectUrl);

		if (!empty($_POST))
			if (isset($_GET['updatethumb']))
				$image = $asset->getImage();
				return $this->updateThumb($image);

			// Key info
			if (isset($_POST['title'], $_POST['slug'], $_POST['date_captured'], $_POST['priority']))
				$date_captured = !empty($_POST['date_captured']) ? new DateTime($_POST['date_captured']) : null;
				$slug = strtr($_POST['slug'], [' ' => '-', '--' => '-', '&' => 'and', '=>' => '', "'" => "", ":"=> "", '\\' => '-']);
				$asset->setKeyData(htmlspecialchars($_POST['title']), $slug, $date_captured, intval($_POST['priority']));

			// Handle tags
			$new_tags = [];
			if (isset($_POST['tag']) && is_array($_POST['tag']))
				foreach ($_POST['tag'] as $id_tag => $bool)
					if (is_numeric($id_tag))
						$new_tags[] = $id_tag;

			$current_tags = array_keys($asset->getTags());

			$tags_to_unlink = array_diff($current_tags, $new_tags);

			$tags_to_link = array_diff($new_tags, $current_tags);

			// Meta data
			if (isset($_POST['meta_key'], $_POST['meta_value']))
				$new_meta = array_filter(array_combine($_POST['meta_key'], $_POST['meta_value']), function($e) {
					return !empty($e);


			// A replacement file?
			if (isset($_FILES['replacement'], $_POST['replacement_target']) && !empty($_FILES['replacement']['tmp_name']))
				if ($_POST['replacement_target'] === 'full')
					if ($asset->isImage())
						$image = $asset->getImage();
				elseif (preg_match('~^thumb_(\d+x\d+(?:_c[best]?)?)$~', $_POST['replacement_target'], $match))
					$image = $asset->getImage();
					if (($replace_result = $image->replaceThumbnail($match[1], $_FILES['replacement']['tmp_name'])) !== 0)
						throw new Exception('Could not replace thumbnail \'' . $match[1] . '\' with the uploaded file. Error code: ' . $replace_result);

			header('Location: ' . BASEURL . '/editasset/?id=' . $asset->getId());

		// Get list of thumbnails
		$thumbs = $this->getThumbs($asset);

		$page = new EditAssetForm($asset, $thumbs);
		parent::__construct('Edit asset \'' . $asset->getTitle() . '\' (' . $asset->getFilename() . ') - ' . SITE_TITLE);

	private function getThumbs(Asset $asset)
		if (!$asset->isImage())
			return [];

		$image = $asset->getImage();
		$subdir = $image->getSubdir();
		$metadata = $image->getMeta();
		$thumb_selectors = $image->getThumbnails();

		$thumbs = [];
		foreach ($thumb_selectors as $selector => $filename)
			if (!preg_match('~^(?<width>\d+)x(?<height>\d+)(?<suffix>_c(?<method>[best]?))?$~', $selector, $thumb))

			$dimensions = $thumb['width'] . 'x' . $thumb['height'];

			// Does the thumbnail exist on disk? If not, use an url to generate it.
			if (!$filename || !file_exists(THUMBSDIR . '/' . $subdir . '/' . $filename))
				$thumb_url = BASEURL . '/thumbnail/' . $image->getId() . '/' . $dimensions . ($thumb['suffix'] ?? '') . '/';
				$thumb_url = THUMBSURL . '/' . $subdir . '/' . $filename;

			$has_crop_boundary = isset($metadata['crop_' . $dimensions]);
			$has_custom_image = isset($metadata['custom_' . $dimensions]);

			$thumbs[] = [
				'dimensions' => [(int) $thumb['width'], (int) $thumb['height']],
				'cropped' => !$has_custom_image && (!empty($thumb['suffix']) || $has_crop_boundary),
				'crop_method' => !$has_custom_image && !empty($thumb['method']) ? $thumb['method'] : (!empty($thumb['suffix']) ? 'c' : null),
				'crop_region' => $has_crop_boundary ? $metadata['crop_' . $dimensions] : null,
				'custom_image' => $has_custom_image,
				'filename' => $filename,
				'url' => $thumb_url,

		return $thumbs;

	private function updateThumb(Image $image)
		$data = json_decode($_POST['data']);
		$meta = $image->getMeta();

		// Set new crop boundary.
		$crop_key = 'crop_' . $data->thumb_width . 'x' . $data->thumb_height;
		$crop_value = $data->crop_width . ',' . $data->crop_height . ',' . $data->source_x . ',' . $data->source_y;
		$meta[$crop_key] = $crop_value;

		// If we previously uploaded a custom thumbnail, stop considering it such.
		$custom_key = 'custom_' . $data->thumb_width . 'x' . $data->thumb_height;
		if (isset($meta[$custom_key]))
			// TODO: delete from disk

		// Save meta changes so far.

		// Force a rebuild of related thumbnails.
		$image->removeThumbnailsOfSize($data->thumb_width, $data->thumb_height);

		$payload = [
			'key' => $crop_key,
			'value' => $crop_value,
			'url' => $image->getThumbnailUrl($data->thumb_width, $data->thumb_height, 'exact'),

		header('Content-Type: text/json; charset=utf-8');
		echo json_encode($payload);