 * ViewPhoto.php
 * Contains the view photo controller
 * Kabuki CMS (C) 2013-2016, Aaron van Geffen

class ViewPhoto extends HTMLController
	public function __construct()
		// Ensure we're logged in at this point.
		$user = Registry::get('user');
		if (!$user->isLoggedIn())
			throw new NotAllowedException();

		$photo = Asset::fromSlug($_GET['slug']);
		if (empty($photo))
			throw new NotFoundException();

		parent::__construct($photo->getTitle() . ' - ' . SITE_TITLE);

		$author = $photo->getAuthor();

		if (isset($_REQUEST['confirm_delete']) || isset($_REQUEST['delete_confirmed']))
			$this->handleConfirmDelete($user, $author, $photo);
			$this->handleViewPhoto($user, $author, $photo);

	private function handleConfirmDelete(User $user, User $author, Asset $photo)
		if (!($user->isAdmin() || $user->getUserId() === $author->getUserId()))
			throw new NotAllowedException();

		if (isset($_REQUEST['confirm_delete']))
			$page = new ConfirmDeletePage($photo->getImage());
		else if (isset($_REQUEST['delete_confirmed']))
			$album_url = $photo->getSubdir();

			header('Location: ' . BASEURL . '/' . $album_url);

	private function handleViewPhoto(User $user, User $author, Asset $photo)
		if (!empty($_POST))

		$page = new PhotoPage($photo->getImage());

		// Exif data?
		$exif = EXIF::fromFile($photo->getFullPath());
		if ($exif)

		// What tag are we browsing?
		$tag = isset($_GET['in']) ? Tag::fromId($_GET['in']) : null;
		$id_tag = isset($tag) ? $tag->id_tag : null;

		// Find previous photo in set.
		$previous_url = $photo->getUrlForPreviousInSet($id_tag);
		if ($previous_url)

		// ... and the next photo, too.
		$next_url = $photo->getUrlForNextInSet($id_tag);
		if ($next_url)

		if ($user->isAdmin() || $user->getUserId() === $author->getUserId())


	private function handleTagging(Image $photo)
		header('Content-Type: text/json; charset=utf-8');

		// Are we tagging a photo?
		if (!isset($_POST['id_tag']))
			echo json_encode(['error' => true, 'msg' => 'Invalid tag request.']);

		// We are!
		if (!isset($_POST['delete']))
			$photo->linkTags([(int) $_POST['id_tag']]);
			echo json_encode(['success' => true]);

		// ... deleting, that is.
			$photo->unlinkTags([(int) $_POST['id_tag']]);
			echo json_encode(['success' => true]);