remove old glpm files
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
def col_all_zeros(ls, i, al=0):
return all(x[i] == al for x in ls)
def row_all_zeros(ls, i, al=0):
return all(x == al for x in ls[i])
def matrix(name, ls, default=0):
nonzero_cols = [i+1 for i in range(len(ls[0])) if not col_all_zeros(ls, i, default)]
nonzero_rows = [i+1 for i in range(len(ls)) if not row_all_zeros(ls, i, default)]
res = ""
for r in nonzero_rows:
res += "\n{:2d}".format(r)
for c in nonzero_cols:
res += " {:2d}".format(ls[r-1][c-1])
return param(name, res, " : " + " ".join("{:2d}".format(x) for x in nonzero_cols))
def dict(name, thing, default=None):
fmt_key = lambda k: " ".join((str(x+1) for x in k)) if type(k) == tuple else k+1
return param(name, ", ".join(["{} {}".format(fmt_key(k), v) for k,v in thing.items() if v != default]))
def param(name, val, middle=""):
val = str(val)
if "\n" in val:
val = val.replace("\n", "\n" + " " * (len(name) + 6))
return "param {}{} := {};".format(name, middle, val)
@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
/* Number of people */
param P_count, integer, > 0;
/* Number of jobs */
param J_count, integer, > 0;
/* Number of days */
param D_count, integer, > 0;
param WL, integer, > 0;
param WH, integer, > 0;
param ML, integer, > 0;
set P := 1..P_count;
set J := 1..J_count;
set D := 1..D_count;
/* aanwezigheid x workload for that day */
param Costs{p in P}, integer, >= 0;
/* Person p likes to solve jobs j */
param L{p in P, j in J} default 0, binary;
/* Person p hates to solve jobs j */
param H{p in P, j in J} default 0, binary;
/* Person p is capable to perform job j */
param C{p in P, j in J} default 1, binary;
/* How many jobs need to be done on what day */
param R{d in D, j in J}, integer, >= 0;
/* hardcoded */
param Q{p in P, j in J, d in D}, default 0, binary;
/* workload */
param Wl{j in J}, integer, >= 0;
param max_load{p in P, d in D}, default 1, integer;
/* Person p is allocated to do job j on day d */
var A{p in P, j in J, d in D}, binary;
var error{p in P}, integer, >= 0;
s.t. hardcode{p in P, j in J, d in D}: A[p,j,d] >= Q[p,j,d];
/* A person only has one task per day, at most */
s.t. max_load_person{p in P, d in D}: sum{j in J} A[p,j,d] <= max_load[p,d];
/* A person has at least 1 task */
s.t. min_load_person{p in P}: sum{j in J, d in D} A[p,j,d] >= 1;
/* A person does not perform the same job on all days */
s.t. duplicate_jobs{p in P, j in J}: sum{d in D} A[p,j,d] <= D_count-1;
s.t. max_load_person_total{p in P}: (sum{d in D, j in J} A[p,j,d] * Wl[j]) <= ML;
/* Each task is allocated */
s.t. all_allocated{j in J, d in D}: sum{p in P} A[p,j,d] == R[d, j];
/* A person only performs what (s)he is capable of */
s.t. capability_person{p in P, j in J, d in D}: A[p,j,d] <= C[p,j];
s.t. error_lt{p in P}: error[p] >= ((sum{j in J, d in D} A[p,j,d] * Wl[j]) - Costs[p]);
s.t. error_gt{p in P}: error[p] >= Costs[p] - (sum{j in J, d in D} A[p,j,d] * Wl[j]);
/* Maximize enjoyment */
# minimize error_diff: sum{p in P} error[p];
maximize enjoyment: (sum{p in P, d in D, j in J} A[p,j,d] * (L[p, j] * WL - H[p, j] * WH)) - sum{p in P} error[p];
printf "Sum %d\n", (sum{p in P, d in D, j in J} A[p,j,d] * (L[p, j] * WL - H[p, j] * WH));
printf "p d j W l\n";
printf ">>>>\n";
printf{p in P, d in D, j in J : A[p,j,d] > 0} "%d %d %d %d %d\n", p, d, j, A[p,j,d] * (L[p, j] * WL - H[p, j] * WH), Wl[j];
printf "<<<<\n";
printf "workloads\n";
printf "p l\n";
printf{p in P} "%d %d\n", p, abs((sum{j in J, d in D : A[p,j,d] > 0} Wl[j]) - Costs[p]);
printf "workload_dev: %d\n", sum{p in P} abs((sum{j in J, d in D : A[p,j,d] > 0} Wl[j]) - Costs[p])^2;
Reference in New Issue
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