glpk -> scip

This commit is contained in:
Yorick van Pelt 2024-01-08 15:44:28 +01:00
parent 111fc49ea8
commit 9699a2a2f7
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: D8D3CC6D951384DE

View File

@ -1,17 +1,20 @@
#! /usr/bin/env nix-shell
#!nix-shell -i python3 -p python3 python3Packages.pyyaml glpk -I nixpkgs=flake:nixpkgs
#!nix-shell -i python3 -p python3 python3Packages.pyyaml -I nixpkgs=flake:nixpkgs
# pip install pyyaml pyscipopt pyright
import sys
import yaml
import re
import subprocess
import argparse
from collections import OrderedDict
import glpm
from pyscipopt import Model, quicksum
from typing import Any, Tuple, TypeVar
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
conf = yaml.safe_load(open('config.yaml', 'r'))
config = conf['config']
class TaskConfig:
personen: list[str]
@ -24,16 +27,15 @@ tasks: dict[str, TaskConfig] = OrderedDict({k: TaskConfig(**t) for k, t in conf[
X = TypeVar("X")
def index(x: dict[X, Any]) -> dict[X, int]:
return {v: k for k, v in enumerate(x)}
daily_workloads = \
[sum(task.workload * task.req[d] for task in tasks.values()) for d in range(config['days'])]
ALL_DAYS: set[int] = set(range(config['days']))
class Person(object):
def __init__(self, conf={"dagen":ALL_DAYS}):
self.can = set()
self.loves = set()
self.hates = set()
self.does = set() # hardcoded
self.can: set[str] = set()
self.loves: set[str] = set()
self.hates: set[str] = set()
self.does: set[Tuple[int, str]] = set() # hardcoded
self.has_prefs = False
self.conf = conf
self.conf['dagen'] = set(conf['dagen'])
@ -46,7 +48,7 @@ class Person(object):
res -= config['weights']['hates']
return res
def workload(self, tasks):
return sum(tasks[t]['workload'] for (_,t) in self.does)
return sum(tasks[t].workload for (_,t) in self.does)
def cost(self, num_people):
return round(sum((daily_workloads[d] for d in self.conf['dagen'])) / num_people)
# probabilistic round: int(math.floor(x + random.random()))
@ -54,7 +56,7 @@ def read_people(conf_ppl) -> dict[str, Person]:
people = OrderedDict()
for x in conf_ppl:
val = {"dagen": ALL_DAYS}
if type(x) == dict:
if isinstance(x, dict):
x,val = x.popitem()
people[x.lower()] = Person(val)
return people
@ -66,7 +68,7 @@ def make_task_lut(tasks: dict[str, TaskConfig]):
task_lut[lookup] = t
task_re = re.compile(config['task_re'])
def lookup_tasks(tasks):
return (task_lut[x] for x in task_re.split(tasks) if not x in config['ignore'])
return (task_lut[x] for x in task_re.split(tasks) if x not in config['ignore'])
return lookup_tasks
def read_prefs(pref_file, tasks, people):
lookup_tasks = make_task_lut(tasks)
@ -95,89 +97,110 @@ def set_capabilities(tasks: dict[str, TaskConfig], people: dict[str, Person]):
if conf.hardcode is not None:
for day, pers in enumerate(conf.hardcode):
people[pers.lower()].does.add((day, task))
# format as matrices
def matrices(people: dict[str, Person], tasks: dict[str, TaskConfig]) -> Tuple[list[list[int]], list[list[int]], list[list[int]], dict[str, int], dict[Tuple[int, int], int], list[list[int]], dict[int, int], dict[int, int]]:
mat = lambda a,b: [[0 for j in b] for i in a]
loves = mat(people, tasks)
hates = mat(people, tasks)
capab = mat(people, tasks)
tsk_idx = index(tasks)
hardcode = {}
max_loads = {}
costs = {}
for i,p in enumerate(people.values()):
for t in p.loves: loves[i][tsk_idx[t]] = 1
for t in p.hates: hates[i][tsk_idx[t]] = 1
for t in p.can: capab[i][tsk_idx[t]] = 1
for (d,t) in p.does: hardcode[(i,tsk_idx[t],d)] = 1
if 'max_load' in p.conf: # max_load override for Pol
for d,l in enumerate(p.conf['max_load']):
max_loads[(i,d)] = l
# filter days that the person does not exist
for d in ALL_DAYS - p.conf['dagen']:
max_loads[(i,d)] = 0
costs[i] = p.cost(len(people))
req = mat(range(config['days']), tasks)
for di in range(config['days']):
for ti,t in enumerate(tasks.values()):
req[di][ti] = t.req[di]
workload = {tsk_idx[t]: tasks[t].workload for t in tasks}
return (loves, hates, capab, hardcode, max_loads, req, workload, costs)
def read_assignment(file, people, tasks):
def between_the_lines(f, a=">>>>\n", b="<<<<\n"):
for l in f:
if l == a: break
for l in f:
if l == b: break
yield map(int, l.strip().split())
for p in people.values():
p.does = set()
person_vl = list(people.values())
task_nm = list(tasks.keys())
for [p,d,j,W,l] in between_the_lines(file):
person_vl[p-1].does.add((d-1, task_nm[j-1]))
def write_data(people, tasks, file=sys.stdout):
[loves, hates, capab, hardcode, max_loads, req, workload, costs] = matrices(people, tasks)
print(glpm.matrix("L", loves), file=file)
print(glpm.matrix("H", hates), file=file)
print(glpm.matrix("C", capab, 1), file=file)
print(glpm.matrix("R", req, 0), file=file)
print(glpm.dict("Q", hardcode), file=file)
print(glpm.dict("Wl", workload), file=file)
print(glpm.dict("max_load", max_loads), file=file)
print(glpm.dict("Costs", costs), file=file)
print(glpm.param("D_count", config['days']), file=file)
print(glpm.param("P_count", len(people)), file=file)
print(glpm.param("J_count", len(tasks)), file=file)
print(glpm.param("ML", 6), file=file) # CHANGE THIS
print(glpm.param("WL", config['weights']['likes']), file=file)
print(glpm.param("WH", config['weights']['hates']), file=file)
def write_tasks(people, tasks, file=sys.stdout):
for name, p in people.items():
days = [[] for i in range(config['days'])]
for (d,t) in p.does:
days[d].append((t, t in p.loves, t in p.hates))
q = lambda w: ",".join([t + (" <3" if l else "") + (" :(" if h else "") for (t,l,h) in w])
def q(w):
return ",".join([t + (" <3" if love else "") + (" :(" if hate else "") for (t,love,hate) in w])
days_fmt = " {} ||" * len(days)
days_filled = days_fmt.format(*map(q, days))
print("| {} ||{} {} || {}".format(name, days_filled, p.vrolijkheid(), p.workload(tasks)), file=file)
def scipsol(people: dict[str, Person], tasks: dict[str, TaskConfig]):
max_loads: dict[Tuple[str, int], int] = {}
for i,p in people.items():
if 'max_load' in p.conf: # max_load override for Pol
for d,load in enumerate(p.conf['max_load']):
max_loads[(i,d)] = load
# filter days that the person does not exist
for d in ALL_DAYS - p.conf['dagen']:
max_loads[(i,d)] = 0
m = Model()
does = {}
happiness = []
stdevs = []
errors = []
for pname, person in people.items():
workloads = []
p_error = m.addVar(vtype="I", name=f"{pname}_error", lb=0, ub=None)
for d in ALL_DAYS:
pdt = []
for task in tasks:
var = m.addVar(vtype="B", name=f"{pname}_does_{task}@{d}")
does[(pname, d, task)] = var
# a person only does what (s)he is capable of
if task not in person.can:
m.addCons(var == 0)
workloads.append(var * tasks[task].workload)
for task in person.loves:
happiness.append(does[(pname, d, task)] * config['weights']['likes'])
for task in person.hates:
happiness.append(does[(pname, d, task)] * (config['weights']['hates'] * -1))
# max_load_person: a person only has one task per day at most
m.addCons(quicksum(pdt) <= max_loads.get((pname, d), 1))
m.addCons(p_error >= person.cost(len(people)) - quicksum(workloads))
m.addCons(p_error >= quicksum(workloads) - person.cost(len(people)))
stdevs.append((person.cost(len(people)) - quicksum(workloads)) ** 2)
# min_load_person: person has at least 1 task
m.addCons(quicksum([does[(pname, d, task)] for d in ALL_DAYS for task in tasks]) >= 1)
# duplicate_jobs: a person does not perform the same job on all days
for task in tasks:
m.addCons(quicksum(does[(pname, d, task)] for d in ALL_DAYS) <= len(ALL_DAYS) - 1)
# max_load_person_total
m.addCons(quicksum([does[(pname, d, task)] * tasks[task].workload for d in ALL_DAYS for task in tasks]) <= 6)
# hardcode constraint
for d, task in person.does:
m.addCons(does[(pname, d, task)] == 1)
# all_allocated: each task in allocated
for j in tasks:
for d in ALL_DAYS:
m.addCons(quicksum(does[(p, d, j)] for p in people) == tasks[j].req[d])
objective = m.addVar(name="objvar", vtype="C", lb=None, ub=None)
m.setObjective(objective, "maximize")
m.addCons(objective <= quicksum(happiness) - quicksum(stdevs) / 2)
if args.max_total_error is not None:
m.addCons(quicksum(errors) <= args.max_total_error)
m.addCons(objective <= quicksum(happiness) - quicksum(errors))
m.setObjective(objective, "maximize")
for pname, person in people.items():
for d in ALL_DAYS:
for task in tasks:
if m.getVal(does[(pname, d, task)]):
person.does.add((d, task))
write_tasks(people, tasks)
print("Totale vrolijkheid:", sum(p.vrolijkheid() for p in people.values()))
print("workload deviation:", m.getVal(quicksum(stdevs)))
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("-q", "--quadratic", action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("--max_total_error", type=int, default=None)
args = parser.parse_args()
QUADRATIC = args.quadratic
people = read_people(conf['people'])
with open('prefs_table', 'r') as pref_file:
read_prefs(pref_file, tasks, people)
set_capabilities(tasks, people)
if len(sys.argv)>1 and sys.argv[1] == 'in':
write_data(people, tasks)
elif len(sys.argv)>1 and sys.argv[1] == 'out':
with open('output', 'r') as out_file:
read_assignment(out_file, people, tasks)
write_tasks(people, tasks)
with open('data', 'w') as out:
write_data(people, tasks, file=out)["glpsol", "--model", "model.glpm", "-d", "data", "--tmlim", "15", "--log", "output"], stdout=sys.stderr, stderr=sys.stdout)
with open('output', 'r') as file:
read_assignment(file, people, tasks)
write_tasks(people, tasks)
scipsol(people, tasks)