#! /usr/bin/env nix-shell #!nix-shell -i python3 -p python python3Packages.pyyaml glpk import sys import yaml import re import subprocess from collections import OrderedDict import glpm conf = yaml.load(open('config.yaml', 'r')) config = conf['config'] config['ignore'].append('') tasks = OrderedDict(conf['tasks']) index = lambda x: {v:k for k,v in enumerate(x)} daily_workloads = \ [sum(task['workload'] * task['req'][d] for task in tasks.values()) for d in range(config['days'])] ALL_DAYS = set(range(config['days'])) class Person(object): def __init__(self, conf={"dagen":ALL_DAYS}): self.can = set() self.loves = set() self.hates = set() self.does = set() # hardcoded self.has_prefs = False self.conf = conf self.conf['dagen'] = set(conf['dagen']) def vrolijkheid(self): res = config['days'] - len(self.does) for (d,t) in self.does: if t in self.loves: res += config['weights']['likes'] if t in self.hates: res -= config['weights']['hates'] return res def workload(self, tasks): return sum(tasks[t]['workload'] for (d,t) in self.does) def cost(self, num_people): return round(sum((daily_workloads[d] for d in self.conf['dagen'])) / num_people) # probabilistic round: int(math.floor(x + random.random())) def read_people(conf_ppl): def isdict(x): return type(x) == dict people = OrderedDict() for x in conf_ppl: val = {"dagen": ALL_DAYS} if type(x) == dict: x,val = x.popitem() people[x.lower()] = Person(val) return people # deal with loves/hates def make_task_lut(tasks): task_lut = {} for t, taskconf in tasks.items(): if 'lookup' in taskconf: for lookup in taskconf['lookup']: task_lut[lookup] = t task_re = re.compile(config['task_re']) def lookup_tasks(tasks): return (task_lut[x] for x in task_re.split(tasks) if not x in config['ignore']) return lookup_tasks def read_prefs(pref_file, tasks, people): lookup_tasks = make_task_lut(tasks) # read the wiki corvee table for [name, loves, hates] in ((q.strip().lower() for q in x.split('\t')) for x in pref_file): p = people[name] p.has_prefs = True p.loves |= set(lookup_tasks(loves)) p.hates |= set(lookup_tasks(hates)) for name, p in people.items(): if not p.has_prefs: print("warning: no preferences for", name, file=sys.stderr) # deal with capability and hardcode def set_capabilities(tasks, people): for ti,(task,conf) in enumerate(tasks.items()): if conf['personen'] == 'iedereen': for p in people.values(): p.can.add(task) elif conf['personen'] == 'liefhebbers': for p in people.values(): if task in p.loves: p.can.add(task) else: for p in conf['personen']: people[p.lower()].can.add(task) if 'hardcode' in conf: for day, pers in enumerate(conf['hardcode']): people[pers.lower()].does.add((day, task)) # format as matrices def matrices(people, tasks): mat = lambda a,b: [[0 for j in b] for i in a] loves = mat(people, tasks) hates = mat(people, tasks) capab = mat(people, tasks) tsk_idx = index(tasks) hardcode = {} max_loads = {} costs = {} for i,(person, p) in enumerate(people.items()): for t in p.loves: loves[i][tsk_idx[t]] = 1 for t in p.hates: hates[i][tsk_idx[t]] = 1 for t in p.can: capab[i][tsk_idx[t]] = 1 for (d,t) in p.does: hardcode[(i,tsk_idx[t],d)] = 1 if 'max_load' in p.conf: # max_load override for Pol for d,l in enumerate(p.conf['max_load']): max_loads[(i,d)] = l # filter days that the person does not exist for d in ALL_DAYS - p.conf['dagen']: max_loads[(i,d)] = 0 costs[i] = p.cost(len(people)) req = mat(range(config['days']), tasks) for di in range(config['days']): for ti,t in enumerate(tasks.values()): req[di][ti] = t['req'][di] workload = {tsk_idx[t]: tasks[t]['workload'] for t in tasks} return [loves, hates, capab, hardcode, max_loads, req, workload, costs] def read_assignment(file, people, tasks): def between_the_lines(f, a=">>>>\n", b="<<<<\n"): for l in f: if l == a: break for l in f: if l == b: break yield map(int, l.strip().split()) for p in people.values(): p.does = set() person_vl = list(people.values()) task_nm = list(tasks.keys()) for [p,d,j,W,l] in between_the_lines(file): person_vl[p-1].does.add((d-1, task_nm[j-1])) def write_data(people, tasks, file=sys.stdout): [loves, hates, capab, hardcode, max_loads, req, workload, costs] = matrices(people, tasks) print(glpm.matrix("L", loves), file=file) print(glpm.matrix("H", hates), file=file) print(glpm.matrix("C", capab, 1), file=file) print(glpm.matrix("R", req, None), file=file) print(glpm.dict("Q", hardcode), file=file) print(glpm.dict("Wl", workload), file=file) print(glpm.dict("max_load", max_loads), file=file) print(glpm.dict("Costs", costs), file=file) print(glpm.param("D_count", config['days']), file=file) print(glpm.param("P_count", len(people)), file=file) print(glpm.param("J_count", len(tasks)), file=file) print(glpm.param("ML", 6), file=file) # CHANGE THIS print(glpm.param("WL", config['weights']['likes']), file=file) print(glpm.param("WH", config['weights']['hates']), file=file) def write_tasks(people, tasks, file=sys.stdout): for name, p in people.items(): days = [[] for i in range(config['days'])] for (d,t) in p.does: days[d].append((t, t in p.loves, t in p.hates)) q = lambda w: ",".join([t + (" <3" if l else "") + (" :(" if h else "") for (t,l,h) in w]) print("| {} || {} || {} || {} || {} || {} || {}".format(name, *map(q, days), p.vrolijkheid(), p.workload(tasks)), file=file) print("|-") people = read_people(conf['people']) with open('prefs_table', 'r') as pref_file: read_prefs(pref_file, tasks, people) set_capabilities(tasks, people) if len(sys.argv)>1 and sys.argv[1] == 'in': write_data(people, tasks) elif len(sys.argv)>1 and sys.argv[1] == 'out': with open('output', 'r') as out_file: read_assignment(out_file, people, tasks) write_tasks(people, tasks) else: with open('data', 'w') as out: write_data(people, tasks, file=out) subprocess.call(["glpsol", "--model", "model.glpm", "-d", "data", "--tmlim", "15", "--log", "output"], stdout=sys.stderr, stderr=sys.stdout) with open('output', 'r') as file: read_assignment(file, people, tasks) write_tasks(people, tasks)