# RushLink A URL shortener and (maybe) a pastebin server for our #ru community. ## Libraries Use standard-Go-libraries if the job can be done with those. As of now, these are the exceptions: - `github.com/gorilla/mux` provides useful stuff for routing requests. - `github.com/gorilla/sessions` for session management. - `go.etcd.io/bbolt` is our database driver. - `github.com/pkg/errors` provides a [`Wrap`] function. - `github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/...` has easy Prometheus functionality. [`Wrap`]: https://godoc.org/github.com/pkg/errors#Wrap ## Database We will be using [`go.etcd.io/bbolt`]. This file should be the *only* file apart from our monolithic binary. All settings and keys should go in here. Any read-only data resides in the binary file (possibly compressed). [`go.etcd.io/bbolt`]: `go.etcd.io/bbolt` ## Namespacing All shortened URLs exist as a key on the root of the webserver, i.e. `/xd42`. That means that we have to separate every other page with some kind of namespace. Ideas: - `/z/` reserved for flat pages. - `/z/static/` reserved for "static files". ## Paste types Previous, I was planning to put pastes (not redirects) in a separate bucket and below a url namespace. Then when one was created, we would immediately generate a redirect link. Turns out it's easier though to just save a unit (we call it a "paste") which can be of different types. For example: - Redirect - Paste - File - Image - Hypothetical other stuff: - Dead-drop - [...]? ## Shorten keys and collisions First of all: A sextet is a value of 6 bits. For generating keys, we will initially generate a random value of 4 sextets, where the first bit is set to `0`. If this collides with an existing key, we will generate a new one made out of 5 sextets, and set the prefix bits to `0b10`. We will keep doing this until we don't have any collisions anymore. To get proper-looking keys, we format the key to characters using the base64url alphabet described in ([RFC4648, par. 5]). The encoded value will be saved in the database. [RFC4648, par. 5]: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4648#section-5 ## UI design As is tradition in a lot of URL-shortener/pastebin-like services, we will put everything in a single `
` tag, and if possible, just serve `text/plain`.
A good example is .

The reason we would use `text/html` instead of `text/plain` is basically
form submissions and JavaScript. Our main API should be cURL, but it would be
useful if users could also use the website and/or drag-and-drop files and URLs.

On the other hand, using `text/plain` saves us *so much effort*, because we
don't have to do any HTML/CSS/JavaScript. We have native terminal support, etc.

The best thing would probably to do both, and correctly listen to the `Accept`
header that the client sends. We can still wrap the plain-text page in a single
` to keep it easy for ourselves.

## Retention

- If we can, we don't want to have user accounts. We store the sessions
  forever, and store a user's data in there, without having to collect personal
  data in any way.
- URL-shortening links will be retained for always, unless the submitter
  revokes it, in which case it will be replaced by a `410 Gone` page[*].
- The probles of pastes are not solved. This is an unsolved problem[*].

[*] In any case, we going to comply with all European laws and reasonable
  requests for deletion.

## Privacy

We will try as hard as possible to not store any data about our users, and will
only provide any data when we have the legal obligation to do so.