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HashRU Pics

This is the development repository for the HashRU photo website. The CMS and its modules originate in Kabuki CMS, but have been extended and are maintained separately in this repository.


The Kabuki codebase requires the following PHP extensions to be enabled for full operation:

  • exif
  • imagick (PECL)
  • mysqli


Copy config.php.dist to config.php and set-up the constants contained in the file. For development, consider starting from config-dev.php.dist.

Ensure you have a MySQL database running with credentials matching your config.php. For development, consider the /dev/docker-compose.yml file.

Run composer install. If you do not have composer installed globally, run it from the project directory as follows:

wget -O composer-setup.php
php composer-setup.php --install-dir=.
php ./composer.phar install


For development purposes, simply run the server script provided in the root of this repository. This will start a PHP development server on

For a production environment, please set up a proper PHP-FPM environment instead.


Pull requests are welcome over at the HashRU Gitea.


The HashRU Pics repository is licensed with a BSD 3-clause license, as is Kabuki CMS.